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The Breath Of Life: Air
Chapter Name : Natural Resources
Sub Topic Code : 103_09_14_02_04
Topic Name : The Breath Of Life: Air
Sub Topic Name : Air Pollution

Burning of fossil fuels release harmful gases in the air which causes the pollution of air and have harmful effects on life.


Air and its components.

Real Life Question:

How does air get polluted and how does pollution affect the living beings on the earth?

Key Words / FlashCards
Key Words Definitions (pref. in our own words)
Burning of fossil fuels Coal and petroleum when burnt produces oxides of nitrogen and sulphur in the air. Inhalation of these gases is harmful and they dissolve in rain to give acid rains.
Hydrocarbons Combustion of fossil fuels increases the amount of suspended particles in air. These could be unburnt carbon particles known as hydrocarbons.
Smog The suspended particles in the air cause visibility to be lowered in winter climates when water also condenses out of air. This is known as smog.
Health effects Air pollution causes incidence of allergies, cancer and heart diseases.
Learning aids / Gadgets
Gadgets How it can be used
Encyclopedia and internet. Encyclopedia and internet.
Real life uses :

Air pollution affects all life forms on earth.

Places to visit :

Monuments affected by acid rains such as Taj mahal in India.

Practical examples around us
Examples Explainations
What you learn in Theory:

An increase in the content of the harmful substances in air is called air pollution.

What you learn in Practice:

How air gets polluted and how does it affect the life on earth?

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