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Propagation Of Sound
Chapter Name : Sound
Sub Topic Code : 101_09_12_02_04
Topic Name : Propagation Of Sound
Sub Topic Name : Characteristics Of A Sound Wave

The different characteristics of a sound wave


Sound wave


Various sounds like bird chirps, horns, trumpets etc.

Real Life Question:

What are Sound waves?

Key Words / FlashCards
Key Words Definitions (pref. in our own words)
Sound wave Soundwave may refer to: Sound waves, waves that carry sound.
Learning aids / Gadgets
Gadgets How it can be used
Tuning fork Production of sound can be heard on shaking the tuning fork the sound travels from the fork to our ears through the medium ear.
Real life uses :

Music system, television etc. 

Places to visit :

A kitchen where different utensils make different sounds.

Practical examples around us
Examples Explainations
Water Water is one such medium.
What you learn in Theory:

Characteristics of a sound wave 

What you learn in Practice:

Characteristics of a sound wave 

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